Eyelid Malposition

Ectropion and Entropion: Common Eyelid Malpositions


Ectropion is an eyelid dysfunction that occurs when the lower eyelid turns outward and no longer protects your eye the way it should. Consequently, the eye can become exposed, red, and irritated. Ectropion can affect one or both of the lower eyelids.

What causes ectropion?

Ectropion commonly occurs as a result of one of the below factors:

  • Relaxation of eyelid tissues due to aging changes
  • Undetected skin cancers or skin disease
  • Trauma
  • Contraction of scar tissue of the surrounding skin
  • Eyelid or facial surgery
  • Previous cosmetic surgery
  • Can occur secondary to facial nerve palsy

What are the symptoms of ectropion?

Those suffering from ectropion often experience the below symptoms:

  • Excessive tearing
  • Crusting of the eyelid
  • Mucus discharge
  • Infection
  • Corneal irritation
  • Sagging skin around the eye
  • Impaired vision
  • Redness and pain of the eye
  • Sensitivity to light and wind
  • Poor drainage of tears

Management and Treatment of Ectropion in Long Beach

Artificial tears and lubricating ointments can be used to moisten the cornea to prevent dryness of the cornea. When ectropion is caused by stretching of the eyelid’s supporting structures, eyelid surgery is the best treatment to repair the involved muscle and tendons of the eyelid.

Depending on the cause of ectropion, surgery can be done to reposition the eyelid back to its normal position against the eye.


Entropion is an eyelid dysfunction that occurs when the lower eyelid and eyelashes turn inward towards the eye causing the eyelid and lashes to rub against the cornea and conjunctiva. This can cause scarring and recurrent infections in your eye that can ultimately lead to severe of the eye.

What causes entropion?

Entropion is often caused by the below factors:

  • Relaxation of eyelid tissues due to aging changes
  • Infection
  • Scarring on the inner surface of the eyelid
  • Eyelid injuries
  • Tumors

What are the symptoms of entropion?

Those suffering from entropion will commonly experience the below symptoms:

  • Excessive tearing
  • Crusting of the eyelid
  • Mucus discharge
  • Corneal irritation
  • Sagging skin around the eye
  • Impaired vision
  • Redness and pain of the eye
  • Sensitivity to light and wind
  • Foreign body sensation

Management and Treatment of Entropion in Long Beach

Several surgical procedures may be performed to tighten the eyelid and eyelid attachments thus restoring some of its elasticity and repositioning it normally. Alternatively, tape or sutures can be used to reposition the eyelid and protect the eye temporarily. Lubricating drops and ointments are also helpful. Medications may also be used to control eyelid inflammation or irritation and to treat scars.